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  • Writer's picturePokey

Living with more money than you could possibly spend

Abigail Disney, granddaughter of the co-founder of Disney, shares her life of living humbly with an insane amount of wealth. She advises on not buying a private jet, as in her experience it's cost her family the experience of reality.

I especially love this thinking:

Has the way you spend money changed? I think that people who grow up in this kind of life go one of two ways. They either go the Kim Kardashian route, which is spending, spending, spending, completely absorbing the idea that, “Yes, you are that special,” and wanting everyone to look at you. Or, and I know a lot of people who’ve gone this way — especially my women friends — you do the opposite. I wore shitty clothes around. I didn’t want anyone to know what I had but money is morally neutral. It does not, in and of itself, make you a bad person. It also does not, in and of itself, makes you a good person. You are who you are and the least important thing about you is what you have. That was not, “You haven’t earned it,” you know. So my philosophy is you try to earn it in reverse.

Instead of spending money to impress. Dress down to fit in.


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