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Learn to love writing

Shoutout my freshman English professor at NCST. He taught me to love writing or I should say he taught me how not to hate writing. I hated writing growing up. I thought it was miserable. Mostly because I was a kid and thought I didn’t have anything to special to say or writing about things I didn’t care about in school. Writing doesn’t have to be miserable.

Getting started was always a struggle for me. My freshman English professor taught me the importance of getting started. Get everything in your head on paper. Don’t worry about being perfect. Get the ideas down and revise. It’s much easier to work this way. Edit, improve, add to, once those initial thoughts are down.

To improve at anything you must do do do. I listened to a podcast recently, where an art professor graded half the students on quantity, half on quality. The students graded on quantity had the better quality pictures at the end of the year. Link it to the power of compounding.. I don’t know, but this shows the superpower of doing and starting. As early as possible 😉.

Having fun as a bad writer has been more enjoyable than hating writing because I never gave it a chance to be. Odds are you won’t be a bum for long if you are having fun. That goes for anything you do.

Get the thoughts down on paper and don’t worry about being perfect. Enjoy the process of improving.

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